Saturday, June 21, 2014

Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Retail - Install Async Client - Things to Note

A couple of things to note to check for the installation of the Async Client

1. AsyncServer - Installed and configured properly
You should receive a IIS webserver reply(Contents are not configured to be listed - 403 Error) when you visit the URL(https://FullyQualifiedServerName:Port/ASyncServer/) from the browser from the Machine that you want to install the Async Client

2. Create Channel Database - In Microsoft Dynamics AX create the Channel Database from Retail > Setup > Retail Scheduler > Channel Database and follow the details in the MSDN help for the Form fields
Do a Full Meta Data Sync from Retail Scheduler Parameters, this is to create a an entry in the Async Server DB that the new Channel DB is configured at the HQ
Make sure the DB name is the AsyncServerHQMsgDB

3. User Name & Password - Provide the user name and password for the Async Client to execute on the local machine.

4. Server Certificate - Make sure to export the Server certificate that was provided for the Async Server from the MMC console( MMC > Add snap-in console > Certificates), also import on the ASyncClient machine using the MMC(Normal install certificate is not enough) to Trusted Root Certification Authority in Local computer

1 comment:

  1. Is it necessary that both Asynsserver and Asyncclient machine should on same domain??
